The head of the Gujarat-based cooperative selling the Amul brand said on Tuesday that there is no competition with Nandini milk, which is much cheaper due to the state government subsidy, and that it will only sell milk and curd through online channels in Bengaluru.
This statement came as a result of the political controversy surrounding the market battle with popular Karnataka brand Nandini.
Since both Amul and Nandini are co-operatives owned by farmers, according to Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) MD Jayen Mehta, there cannot be a “Amul versus Nandini” situation.
According to him, GCMMF would only market its Amul products online and has no intention of physically setting up shop in Karnataka.
“Merger is not even a possibility. They’re both cooperatives. Farmers in Gujarat own Amul, and farmers in Karnataka own Nandini. We have both been working together for years to develop the cooperative dairy business in India. India is becoming the world’s top producer of milk as a result of this “Mehta stated.
However, he said that full admission into the Southern state is “not possible” due to the significant price disadvantage.
Karnataka does not have any infrastructure, including milk processing factories, owned by GCMMF.
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