“Zha Movie”, the incessant rain is written and directed by Girish P C Palam, a renowned theatre director and produced by Rajesh Babu K Sooranad. “Zha” depicts the depth of friendship in a different perspective and portrays the plight of a youth when he is torn between his love for his friend and the other familial obligations.
After a long acquaintance through letters, Christy comes to meet his pen – pal Hari and becomes a liability to Hari and his family.. When Christy escapes from police custody and visits Hari again after six years, Hari’s life becomes highly precarious.
“Zha Movie” is a deeply moving film that explores the enduring power of friendship. When two long-time pen pals finally meet in person, their reunion takes an unexpected turn, delving into themes of trust, support, and understanding.
The performances are captivating, bringing genuine emotion to the screen and portraying the characters’ connection with authenticity and depth. The film’s direction and cinematography beautifully capture the warmth of their relationship and the complexity of their interactions.
Without revealing too much, “ZHA Movie” offers a poignant look at the unseen struggles people face and the importance of being there for one another. It’s a film that resonates on a deeply emotional level, reminding viewers of the profound impact that genuine companionship can have on our lives.
YouTube link of a song from Zha.. which has gone viral in social media: